About Joel aka KungFuPenguin
Joel has been playing video games for as long as he can remember. Some of Joel’s earliest memories were playing Mario Bro/Duck Hunt (with Zapper Light Gun of course) and Bubble Bobble!
When he was little, his older brother had a Penguin calendar. He always thought penguins were fun. When he got a little older, Xbox Live became a thing. Joel needed to create a Gamertag. Around 2002 or so he thought what would be funny. Imagine a little penguin waddling upon you with a ninja headband, nunchucks, and derpy ferocity. Thus, KungFuPenguin was born.
Joel started streaming in February 2017 to connect with friends and people all over. A fun creative outlet that allowed him to entertain others.
Joel lives in West Virginia with his wife Amanda (whom he met through Quit the Build). Their dogs Brody & Bailey and cat Milly frequently make appearances on stream.
Joel hopes to create a community of love on stream.